Adding Space to an Account
Each account in BabyFlix is allocated 1.5 gigs of space. On occasion you may need more space for an account. If you get the message that you have run out of space, just click on the link in the last column of the customer list titled Movie/Space;
Click on the link 1.5 Gigs. This will bring up a dialog box where you can select 3 Gigs. There is a $.99 charge for adding space.
Adding the BabyFlix Movie
The BabyFlix Movie is a custom movie made from all of the photos and video in a user's account. We recommend you add Dad's name, name of the baby (if known), and the sex of the baby (if known). You can add by clicking Edit on the line in the customer list. Next, select Movie & 6 Gigs from the drop down list above. There is a $3.99 charge for the movie, but clinics are typically selling this for $8.99 or $9.99.
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