Download OBS & Music
From the Settings menu in the upper right of BabyFlix there is a dropdown for Downloads. From there you can find links to OBS and Music.
Run the OBS installer and extract the .zip file for the music.
The main sources are
• Video Capture Device • Music
• Logo
• Mic (optional)
Video Capture Device
To add the video capture device click on the "+" in the sources frame. In the Device dropdown select the capture device. NOTE: only one software can use one capture device at one time. This means that if the capture device is used by software other than Open Broadcast you will not see the ultrasound video in Open Broadcaster. Once the device is selected just hit OK and go back to the main screen.
With the ultrasound turned on stretch the window to maximize the size of the screen displaying the ultrasound video. This is done by clicking on the window where it is displayed and you will see the window with a red border around it with circles in the corners. Grab the corners and pull the images to stretch. To crop out the controls select border with the ALT key and pull the border in.
Add the music by clicking the "+" under Sources and choose Media. Then select the desired .mp3 file(s). If this is the approach, ensure the Music source is unmuted and the other audio sources are muted. This is done from the Mixer frame in the main window.
Another option is to have music playing from a music service and just unmute the Desktop Audio in the Mixer.
Add the logo by clicking the "+" under Sources and choose Image.
Select the logo and position and size as desired.
Mic (optional)
If you would like to record the heartbeat, you attach a mic to the streaming computer. When you want to record the heartbeat just mute the Music and unmute the Mic in the Mixer. Then place the mic near the ultrasound speaker and record the heartbeat. When done just mute the mic and unmute the Music.
To add the video capture device click on the "+" in the sources frame. In the Device dropdown select the capture device. NOTE: only one software can use one capture device at one time. This means that if the capture device is used by software other than Open Broadcast you will not see the ultrasound video in Open Broadcaster. Once the device is selected just hit OK and go back to the main screen.
Settings (lower right corner)
Left Tabs
The only setting on this tab change is to check "Automatically record when streaming"
In the Stream tab the first dropdown is "Custom Streaming Server." Next the Server (application url) and Stream Key for the location. You can get that setting from the Machine screen. Go to Location/then Machine. Just click on the document logo next to the the stream key and application urls to copy the values. Just paste them into OBS.
Lastly, the Use Authentication should be unchecked.
- Change the bitrate to 1500 kpbs.
- Change the encoder to H.264 if this is an option
- The recording path should point to the path Videos/BabyFlix Streams.
- Change the recording format to .mp4
- Nothing to change
- Change the Base Resolution to 1280x720
- Change the Output to 852x480
- Nothing to change
- Nothing to change
In the Advanced tab just make sure the priority is set to Above Normal or High.
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