Create account
- Login to
- Create the customer account (Customers Menu)
- First Name, Last Name, Email Address, & Mobile Phone number (Required)
Recording the Ultrasound Session
- First, click on the red play button in the leftmost column in the customer list.
- The red button will now say Live. This indicates that the stream will saved into that user's account.
- Click on the Open Broadcast Icon (OBS)
- Click Start Streaming
- After session click Stop Streaming
Live Streaming
- When the customer elects to have their scan live streamed, click on the Create link in the column Events in Customer List.
- Change the Event Type to Broadcast and Save
- Put the date and start time of the scan.
- Click create.
- When the customer comes in from the exam click on the red button in the first column of the customer list.
- The red button will now say Live. This indicates that the stream will saved into that user's account.
- Click on the Open Broadcast Icon (OBS)
- Click Start Streaming
- After session click Stop Streaming
Load Still Images with BabyFlix Sync Utility
- Select the study to be exported.
- Chose the format of the content (i.e. .jpg and cine clips).
- Choose the destination. Export the study to a USB drive.
- Name the export the customer number/stream key from BabyFlix
- Insert the usb into the computer running the BabyFlix Sync Utility.
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